Address Line 2: La Pineda Postcode: 41013 Street: Avenida Jerez Number: 9 Land area: 5.350 sqm Land occupation: 2.901 sqm Buildability: 4.723 sqm Price: 2.102.669 € Price / sqmb: 445 € Price / sqmp: 393 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41530 Street: Doñana Number: 25 Land area: 2.316 sqm Land occupation: 1.745 sqm Buildability: 3.474 sqm Price: 594.701 € Price / sqmb: 171 € Price / sqmp: 257 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41530 Street: Virgen de la Paloma Number: 19 Land area: 3.055 sqm Land occupation: 1.526 sqm Buildability: 3.055 sqm Price: 520.841 € Price / sqmb: 170 € Price / sqmp: 170 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41530 Street: Buen Aire Number: 26 Land area: 1.373 sqm Land occupation: 1.030 sqm Buildability: 2.060 sqm Price: 314.867 € Price / sqmb: 153 € Price / sqmp: 229 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41940 Street: Plaza del Ayuntamiento Number: 4 GLA: 57 sqm Age: 1999 Rent: 13,60 €/sqm & month Yield: 6,50 % Price: 143.625 € Price / sqmb: 2.520 € Contract: 2020 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41500 Street: de la Plata Number: 17 GLA: 54 sqm Age: 2005 Rent: 12,60 €/sqm & month Yield: 6,50 % Price: 125.638 € Price / sqmb: 2.327 € Contract: 2020 Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Las Islas Postcode: 09889 Street: Carretera Ecija-Herrera Number: 0 Land area: 4.362.800 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 6.929.599 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Residencial Oeste Postcode: 41820 Street: Cronista Manuel García Fernández Number: 3 Land area: 652 sqm Land occupation: 457 sqm Buildability: 1.192 sqm Price: 77.210 € Price / sqmb: 65 € Price / sqmp: 118 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Residencial Norte Postcode: 41820 Street: Poligono Pp UE3 Residencial Norte Number: 11 Land area: 715 sqm Land occupation: 715 sqm Buildability: 884 sqm Price: 45.318 € Price / sqmb: 51 € Price / sqmp: 63 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Torreblanca Postcode: 41017 Street: Ebano Number: 0 Land area: 82 sqm Land occupation: 82 sqm Buildability: 205 sqm Price: 26.765 € Price / sqmb: 131 € Price / sqmp: 326 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Macarena Postcode: 41009 Street: Lopez de Azme Number: 4 Land area: 172 sqm Land occupation: 172 sqm Buildability: 550 sqm Price: 167.727 € Price / sqmb: 305 € Price / sqmp: 975 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: La Oliva Postcode: 41006 Street: Carretera Su Eminencia Number: 14 Land area: 47.125 sqm Land occupation: 23.563 sqm Buildability: 28.915 sqm Price: 6.012.482 € Price / sqmb: 208 € Price / sqmp: 128 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Casco Histórico Postcode: 41400 Street: Plazuela de Quintana Number: 2 GLA: 4.085 sqm Age: 2014 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 2.250.000 € Price / sqmb: 551 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
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